The Valley of Ashes


Louisa's Sunshine

Note from the Editor:
So, instead of updating you with a essay full of notes concerning the songs of West Egg playlist (you can find an update on those joints soon though), I decided to hit you with a throwback poem and then some. After recently noticing that my old partner in crime Adonis, or better yet D.A., has joined a poetry click named Modern Epics (find them at ) I suddenly felt an urge to write. Not so much because I was inspired, but because my competitive streak arose in me once I learned that I was not invited to join the group, especially with the knowledge of me being the shit. That is sarcasm folks, FYI. All jokes aside, I decided to pen some thoughts down in prose, as you may have noticed, and I think it all came out dope, but as I was looking through my archives I noticed a poem I wrote a while back that kind of clicked with a song that I love at the moment, which incidentally shares the same sentiment in its rousing finale that I did when i wrote the piece, so I decided to post both. I hope you enjoy it all people, whoever reads this. Peace out until next time.

i woke up this morning with my eyes closed
Hi's and goodbyes flow idly by pass my head
as i lie in my bed, body froze, hair thrown
this dazed look scribbled on my face says i don't know how to replace
this hole in my chest
i peer out my window and see the moon's crest
caress the sky, and wonder why the sun is at rest
then it hit me like new paint to turpentine
its like the blind trying to find sunshine
how i love you its a hopeless hope
as he gropes in the dark awaiting the luminous spark
he can feel the heat when he reaches out his palms
feeling calm in the presence of the star he cant see,
he cant view the UVs glistening like how i ll go whispering
in your ear when you are near
knowing you'll leave my embrace at the daybreak
is a synonym for the blind man at nighttime as he waits
for the sunrise to surmise is like me pondering your thighs
when the open
why am i such a token, why am i so broken
waiting on bells to ring
lying like a sundial on uneven tile
i guess the early birds will never sing
the blind man could never for see what the sunrise will bring
but seeks it like a fool, like how you see me as a tool
i wait on you like the unseeing waits for the sun and horizon to kiss
for if it is missed, joy ceases to exist
but yet he cant see it anyway,no thanks to blinking
but yet you'll never love me like i do you, the blind only sees wishful thinking
yet if it comes, his grief in this world becomes undone
like your bra strap in my hand, and i feel as if its apart of the plan
no words will be said, no need to speak
cause at its peak, its becoming when we take in the heat
but eventually, the sunrise must meet its demise
and sunset sets the stage for the night's reprise
only then will the blind will find someplace to lie
and you and I won't need sunshine to see the tears in my eyes

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