The Valley of Ashes


On The Road to West Egg Playlist II

So, its been delayed, but here it is. Another installment to my playlist, the greatest effing playlist to hit the masses. So, picking up where we left off, ther is Mew's Succubus. Jesus, this song is incredibly hard to find, espicially on the internet. I don't event hink its posted on YouTube. After a couple of searches, I found a version of it, and while it may not be the one I know and love, it will do for now. I just purely enjoy this song, for its simple yet effectice progressions and its beautiful singing, courtesy of Jonas.

My next pick in the line up is Joe Buddden's "In My Sleep". Now, I have been listening to Joe since around 2002, and to be quite honest, his earlier material is phenominal, much more so than his recent stuff. But after hearing this track, from the drums to the synth to the lyrics, whoa. Just whoa.

And last, but certainly not least for this week, here comes arguably my favorite rapper after NaS, Wasalu himself. This track, "Theme Music to a Drive-By" was originally the intro to his debut album, but after the notoriously epic event of all his ish getting leaked, he scrapped the song. Shame, really, this track is by far one of the best, if not the best, standalone Lupe song. The Batman metaphors and the social commentary wrapped in clever walls of words say it all. Sadly, you can only find it on YouTube chopped'n'screwed. I guess it'll have to do.

It seems like this will have to be hunted just like Succubus. Good Luck. Peace out 'till next time.

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