The Valley of Ashes


Truth Be Sold

So riding around today proved to be quite the exhaustion. Waking up thinking about sex but being greeted to homework was not pleasant. Then getting ready to drive all over after a terrible night's rest wasn't as fun as sleeping in and thinking of playing my currently out of commission guitar. So, my current reality was less than desirable, but it made me ponder about other people's current stasis and their realities. Trying to escape the thought, I stopped listening to the overly existentialistic music in my car. Doing so, I flipped around on my Zune (yes, Microsoft ftw) and finally settled on Busta Rhymes E.L.E.

I haven't really listened to it since my childhood and quickly forgot how his woo hawing ass thought the world was going to implode on its self in 2000, the Y2K. Yeah, his predicting skills failed harder then Tiger Woods trying to park.

Regardless, It made me think more and more about the pending so called crisis and hysteria that is embodied in 2012. While I do believe that the world will probably end within my lifetime, I do not condone the thought of it ending in 2 years, and for various reasons. People have shown that they love to antagonize each other over long extended periods of time, (if not, BDSM wouldn't be entertained as boner material) so the world will come to a halt more than likely after a disturbingly long torture porn worthy session of war.

But that's just my thought process and how I view reality, so whose to say I'm right or wrong? Some people view it as a cataclysmic meteor fuck shower of hellfire and brimstone to crash into our Earth and smite us. And I don't buy it. So what is truth and what is false? I myself believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord and savior, but who am I to raise my hand to someone who believes in something else? I am not trying to get away from the Christian thought of Absolute Truth, but truth be sold, to perceive my reality as their reality is impossible. The actual thought of reality is a false concept, because reality for one is not reality for all, which reality is supposed to be to begin with. I think people go about knowledge and reality all wrong.

They think that they know things and force their beliefs and interests onto others, and the projection of their bullshit leads to conflict. The smartest man on the world is the one who I believe is capable to understand that in the end, he truly doesn't know everything. With this fact he can conquer anything, including his own reality and hopefully the monster that all humans can ultimately become. So once again, I state the world will end on man's terms and not on God's or whoever is up there, because maybe they wish to teach us the lesson of empathy and understanding, one that we probably will never learn. However, I might be wrong. Maybe then me and Bus A Bus will have something in common, no Bobby and Whitney.

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